Belief Perseverance

Belief perseverance is a cognitive bias that occurs when people maintain their beliefs, even in the face of contradictory evidence.

Belief perseverance can be a harmful bias, as it can lead to us making bad decisions and sticking with them long after it's clear that they're not working.

Why we fall prey to belief perseverance

There are many reasons why we fall prey to belief perseverance. We may be attached to our beliefs because they help us make sense of the world and our place in it. 

Our beliefs can also be a source of comfort, especially when we're facing difficult times. It's human nature to want to hold on to something that makes us feel good, even if it's not true.

Sometimes, people refuse to let go of their beliefs because they've invested a lot of time and energy into them. They may have built their entire identity around their beliefs, and letting go of them would be like starting over from scratch. 

Others may be afraid of what will happen if they change their beliefs. They may worry that they'll lose friends or family members who share their beliefs, or that they'll be ridiculed by others.

Belief perseverance can have serious consequences. It can lead us to make bad decisions that we refuse to change, even when it's clear that they're not working. It can also cause us to hold on to false hope, which can prevent us from taking action that could improve our situation.

How to overcome belief perseverance

There are a few things you can do to overcome belief perseverance. First, it's important to be aware of the bias and its effects.

Second, try to examine your beliefs objectively. Are they based on facts or emotions? If they're based on emotions, ask yourself if there's any evidence to support them.

Finally, be willing to change your beliefs if new information arises that contradicts them.

Belief perseverance is a cognitive bias that can have harmful consequences. However, by being aware of the bias and examining our beliefs objectively, we can overcome it.

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